Meditation and self-care techniques are on the rise as people explore what actually works for them and fits their lifestyle. Some enjoy journaling and coloring books, some dancing or preparing a nourishing meal, and others love filling up their bathtub with aromatic bubbles and sinking in. If you belong to the warm-bath-lovers group, here are the 3 best meditation techniques that will help you relax and unwind. 

Belly Breaths

Deep belly breaths combined with warm water do wonders for the mind, as it gets stimulated by two powerful forces sending signals it's time to let go of all the stress. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly and notice how much each one of them moves when you inhale and exhale. There's a big chance your lower hand doesn't move much, and that's because the majority of people go through their days breathing pretty shallowly, not allowing the air to go deep into their belly. 

Start deepening your inhales and exhales, purposely trying to inflate and deflate your entire abdomen. Imagine your inhales filling you up with fresh oxygen and exhales flushing out all the toxins. Do 10-15 long, slow cycles. 

Water Meditation

Water symbolizes the infinite flow of energy that moves through blockages and opens the doors to healing and inner peace. As humans are made of 60% water, lying in a bathtub can make the meditation even more powerful.

Start by closing your eyes and allow your mind and body to connect with the warm water, feeling its temperature, noticing the way it touches your skin and imagining it's becoming a part of you. Visualize how the tiny droplets penetrate your skin and get into your body, sending relaxing signals into every cell of your being. Feel the water's vibrations and use your breath to guide you through the whole process, inhaling and exhaling, relaxing your shoulders and letting your shoulder blades slide down your back. Stay in it for at least 15 min, and if you notice your mind starts to wander, simply bring it back in by focusing on your breath. 

Sound Meditation

Bring a speaker into your bathroom or blast the volume on your phone, find a good source of relaxing music, and let the melodies overwhelm your whole being; matching vibrations with the warm and aromatic water. Close your eyes and relax your head, feeling the stress disappear. As always, let your breath be your guide, and try to deepen your inhales and exhales, maximizing the benefits of fresh oxygen. You can stay for the duration of one to five songs, depending on your meditation experience. 


Every person is different, and finding what works for you is key to overall health and longevity. Give these 3 techniques a try and get on the right path to finding your best self-care. 

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