Taking the time to relax and meditate in the tub regularly is great for you both mentally and physically. Technology is an excellent tool to use when meditating in the tub and you have a variety of ways to incorporate it.

Listen To A Podcast

There are so many amazing podcasts out there that are geared towards relaxation and meditation and the great thing about them is that they are absolutely free. Before you get into the bath, you can turn on your podcast and listen to it while you soak in your warm bath water with Epsom salts, bath bombs, essential oils, or whatever else you like to use to really relax, and calm your body and mind. 

Take Advantage Of YouTube

If you are someone who is more of a visual person, then you can get on YouTube and find several channels that can help you to learn how to properly meditate and become one in body and mind. These videos will guide you through the steps of meditation and will help you clear your mind as your body soaks and physically relaxes as well. 

Play Music With Alexa

If you feel that you are seasoned when it comes to relaxing and meditating in the tub, and you can coach yourself through the process, then playing some music on Alexa is a great way to involve technology while relaxing in the tub. Since Alexa is hands-free, you can simply tell her what music you'd like to play and she can play it for you. If it is convenient, you could even set up a playlist that includes are all of your favorite songs to listen to while you are meditating and have her play that. 

It is so important that we spend time each day meditating and relaxing in order to be our best selves. Doing this in the bathtub is the perfect because it is such a calm and quiet environment.

To learn more about relaxing and meditating in the tub, visit us at Pelham & White.