Taking a bath is not only something we as humans do to get ourselves clean. Bathing can also be an opportunity for relaxation and self-care. With a little preparation, being aware of your senses, and by incorporating the practice of mindfulness (focusing on the here and now), your experience in the tub can be a total mind/body one. During your bathing session, through mindfulness, you can try focusing your thoughts on one sense or some combination of the five.


You want to begin with an overall clean bathroom and tub. You don't want to make what is supposed to be a relaxing time and occasion for your mind to obsess over a dirty floor or clutter glaring at you from a shelf. Perhaps you want to adjust the lighting in your bathroom to add to the feeling of relaxation. If your mind happens to wander as you are in the tub, you can confidently take in the serenity of your surroundings and return to a peaceful state.


Allow yourself to be the focus of this bath time ritual. Maybe you prepare something pleasurable for your palate that you can partake as you soak. While in the bath, focus your mind on the sensations as you indulge in your tasty treat.


Water can be a very calming element. As you create movement in the water, focus on the sounds made, and allow what you hear to regulate your mind and heart. Recognize any negative or competing thoughts that may arise, then slowly bring your thoughts back to the soothing sounds of the water in your bath.


Prepare your bathroom ahead of time with items that will be pleasurable to your sense of smell, maybe a scented candle, fragrant body wash, or other potions for your bathwater. As you slip into the tub, take in the delightful aromas that currently surround you. To keep your mind at peace, inhale the sweetness of your surroundings and exhale stress.


To make bathing a most enjoyable experience, ensure the temperature of your bath water is right. Allow the warmth of the water to envelop your body in relaxing waves. Take time to notice the calming effect the water has on your body and mind. Recognize your connection to the water not only as it comes in contact with your skin but how it sustains you throughout your body.

Slowing down and being aware of your thoughts can add to the enjoyment of your time in the tub. At Pelham & White, we want to help you achieve this goal. Please contact us today to learn about our products.