Many people enjoy bathing as a time to de-stress and relax. Visualization can help bring you to a state of relaxation by focusing the mind. To enhance your feelings of relaxation in the tub, use this concept targeted to your various senses to focus your mind and heighten your bathing experience. Below are some examples to try.


While in the tub, close your eyes or leave them open (whichever works for you). Visualize a water scene that is relaxing to you. Maybe sitting on a beach, floating in a pool, lounging by a lake. Imagine you are in that scene; delight in all that you see as you are transported to that place.


What sounds bring you peace in your imagined scene? The crashing of waves, birds singing, the gentle rustle of leaves, people laughing. Call them forth as you shut out the noisiness of the day.


Your tub serves as the conduit to bring your thoughts into your present surroundings. Allow your mind to recall the pleasing smells that permeate your senses, the salty air, or maybe barbeque on the grill as you sit poolside.


As you picture your water scene, imagine the tactile sensations, the coolness or warmth of the water, the sand touching your skin, the grass beneath your feet, or the feel of the sun on your face.


From the privacy of your bathroom, your scene even brings you joy through your sense of taste. When you recall that special food, it brings you right to that place. Let your thoughts bring a smile to your face as you fondly remember the times spent there.

Our minds are very powerful tools that we can use to aid in achieving healthy states of relaxation, even in the tub! Contact us at Pelham & White, where you can explore the products we offer that can assist you in your quest.