While group or guided meditations are immensely beneficial, sometimes, the lack of solitude in your practice can be harmful. It might create a barrier between you and that place of mindfulness you want to reach. Trying to meditate alone and without any guidance may feel like something's missing but finding peace and balance in being alone is vital for any spiritual discipline. Then and only then instead of feeling lonely, you'll feel content and wholesome.

There's a simple technique that can help you start meditating without a guiding voice and it will surely make you appreciate your bathtub. Just fill it with water and get in. Side note: one of the fun parts of this technique is the range of settings you can create within your own bathroom. You can change the water temperature, light some candles, add salts or oils, or flower petals, or ice if you're into that kind of thing. Whatever you do will change your experience and can make meditation in a bathtub an ongoing practice.

Get in the tub and close your eyes. There's no need to be in a certain position. Just try to make yourself comfortable. Take a few deep breaths. Let your body relax and get heavy, and then feel that water makes it lighter, makes it float. How does it feel? What's the temperature? Hot? Cold? Perfect? Recognize and appreciate whatever it is. Notice how your skin reacts to every little move of the water. Focus on breathing.

Before we move on to the next step of this technique let's make sure we're on the same page here. Meditation is not about sitting still and be quiet. Meditation is about mindfulness. You don't have to be still to be present.

Swing your body a little. Move your toes and your fingers, feel the water continuously filling the space between them. Concentrate on your body's response to the surroundings. Concentrate on the water around you changing with every move you make. You can try holding your breath and going completely underwater, it is not so different from becoming incredibly popular sensory deprivation tanks.

Now focus on the water inside of your body. Feel the eyelids moistening your eyes, appreciate it for a moment and continue acknowledging all liquid you have in your body. Feel saliva in your mouth, feel the blood pulsating in your veins, sweat, mucus. Every tiny bit of the water is precious and vital for your body. Think of it, imagine it surrounding every organ and every cell.

The next step is to think about all the water outside of your body. Imagine the oceans, the water in the clouds and plants. Imagine the soil absorbing every raindrop. Recognize that the water element is all around you. It is life itself. This simple realization can create a powerful connection between you and the universe.