Are you looking for a way to cleanse both your body and your mind? This bath time meditation might just do the trick. Tonglen, a meditative practice popularized by Tibetan Buddhist nun Pema Chödrön, is a purifying technique that you can perform from the comfort of your bathtub

Prepare the Space

Begin your meditation session by turning your bathroom into a calm and soothing space. Light candles, dim the lights, draw a warm bath, and add in whatever salts and oils you find relaxing. Lather up and wash with your favorite soap, allowing yourself time to experience every sensation. Finally, take a few slow, deep breaths to clear your mind and begin the tonglen practice.

Choose Your Focus

Think of a problem that has been bothering you lately. It may be an issue from your personal life, something you saw in the news, or anything else that gives you a feeling of negativity. Hold that problem in your mind for a moment. Don't worry, though. The goal of this exercise is to release your feelings about the problem and replace them with positivity.

Begin Visualization

Now that you've chosen your focus point, imagine what the feeling might look like if it was a physical object. Give the negative feeling colors, textures, patterns, and smells. Explore every crevice and cranny of this form you've conjured. If you're not feeling very creative, that's perfectly fine. You can simply imagine that the problem is a heavy, black cloud floating in front of you.

Inhale, Purify, and Exhale

Once you have a clear vision of your negative form, begin breathing in slowly. Visualize yourself inhaling the problem. Once it has passed through your nostrils and into your lungs, imagine that your body has become a purifying filter. Slowly exhale. As you breathe out, replace the problem with good energy such as love, kindness, or general positivity. Imagine this good energy as a cool, clear puff of air that is free of all the characteristics you visualized in the previous step. Continue receiving in the problem and sending out good energy with your breath.  

Send Out Compassion

After you've spent some time purifying your thoughts, begin to expand your compassion to other people who might need your positive energy. Imagine individuals who are struggling with the same problem you selected at the beginning of this bath time meditation. Consider them with compassion, then begin thinking of them as you continue to inhale negativity and exhale positivity. Imagine that they, too, will benefit from this tonglen session. It feels good to help others, doesn't it?

Once you sense that you've purified the problem to the best of your ability and cleared your mind of any difficult feelings surrounding the issue, you may conclude the meditation. Relax for a few minutes in silence, enjoying the soothing atmosphere you created around your bathtub. Be gentle with yourself as you exit the tub, wrapping up in a fluffy towel or comfortable robe.

We hope this bath time tonglen practice helps you unwind, recharge, and cleanse both your body and mind. If you need any assistance in turning your bathroom into a personal refuge, please feel free to contact us. We'll connect you with the bathtub that best fits your personal needs.